This is the game we made for the autumn game jam 2021

Also, of course, download is better for sound


Use WASD to move

Use down (S) and/or the arrow keys to look around

Press E to interact

When the farmhouse turns blue, that means you can summon the next wave

Jump on the birds heads to defeat them

A simple tower defense platformer by Toaster_on_mass for game coding, marslikescookies for art, and Jefferey "Phoenix" Laflamme for music, as a friendo team

Anyhoo, here is a timeline of what development looked like, for fun

Days 1-3 of the jam: Try to make an online version of the game, sadly only can connect to the internet is in, scraped for time

Day 4: Got a basic basic prototype

Days 5-9: Nothing basically

Day 10: Oh we should work on the game, but life attack

Day 14: oh, we have a week

Days 15-16: well time to work on it, got only a week left, WAIT DELTARUE CHAPTER 2, who cares about a time limit!

Day 17: Gets 90% of the art done and a lot of code

Day 18: Gets lots of coding done and music

Day 19: more code and art and music

day 20, today when writing: Oh I have some code left to do, hmmm, time to over scope a bit, we have tons of time


Autum attack 17 MB

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